The Revolving Internet
"The Revolving Internet" simply adds the animation to the Goolge interface. The Google search engine works fine while rotating. The soundtrack of the piece is "Windmills of your Mind" covered by Dusty Springfield which heightens the absurdity of the experience. "The Revolving Internet" caught the web audience's eyes, that the Google noticed the works and introduced its "do a barrel roll" feature. Along with 'The Revolving Internet", Dullaart has similar projects such as "The Disagreeing Internet" and "The Sleeping Internet".

"I was trying to see if I could use code to spin the entire page around. In video art that was kind of the ultimate thing to do–to have like this 360-degree turn of the camera. I felt like that woulde b this ultimate thing. I could make this vision of this new world turn again."

Retained Functionality

Google works fine in the web page; it only revolves!