Janasia Sullivan Gray

What is the cost of being a superhero?

What toll does this life take on their mental health?

"If we need peace, if we need to heal, if we need anything, does that then mean that we are broken? Are we somehow polluted?...If we acknowledge that those who fight are also vulnerable, are sometimes afraid...Does that then mean you, all of you, should always be afraid? We...I understand this dilemma. This fear. Your fear. And I hope today, that I might clarify it. That you have accepted me, an alien, as your friend, is the greatest joy of my life. And I have...tried to continue to earn that friendship. Every day. Every second. I have endeavored to be worthy of that highest honor. The label that some have kindly--very kindly, given me. That of...HERO....I have watched persons from every country, every background, rise with powers to battle the worst evils....They have taken their place along the barrier that divides us from chaos and death, they have stared into the certainty of annihilation...And they said, simply, calmly, confidently..."Though you break my body, I will stand." "Though you silence my voice, I will speak." "Though you bring me death, I will live." "This is my home. It is in my care." "And, though you seek its destruction, I am here." "And today--today, by God, it will not fall." They do this in full knowlegde of the pain they will incur. The..The scars they wil collect, the nightmares...the nightmares they will forever endure... This suffering. This need for healing. Its not the mark of a madman. It is the wound of a warrior. It's a sign. A sign of their love of truth. Their hunger for justice. And their fight for the American Way." ~ Superman (Heroes In Crisis #5)